The Role of AI in Treating Addiction

By Karen Mitchell. Published on 28-March-2019

Recently, the use of artificial intelligence has grown beyond expectation and is been utilized in many industries around the world.

Its progress has also seen it positively affecting our social and professional lives. In America alone drug overdose has been the number one cause of deaths between the teenage and senior citizen bracket.

Sam Frons who was an addict was among the 10% of the 24 million citizens in the USA who actually get help in battling addiction.

She founded the Addicaid in 2013 to assist people who go through substance abuse orders and problems such as gambling, food, internet, pornography, drugs, and sex.

Addicaid uses artificial intelligence to predict the risk of tracking back to addictive behaviors. Through learning people’s behavior, addiction problem and individual patterns it manages to offer personalized treatment to the affected individuals who are battling with addiction from substance abuse. Frons had a dream to help out the struggling souls out there and artificial intelligence is helping her help her give back the sanity to the addicted lot.

What is the role of artificial intelligence in treating addiction?

It helps to predict the risk of relapse.

Addicaid is an app which was developed by a former recovering addicted Sam Frons and it aims at helping those suffering from addiction. This app is used in conjunction with clinical research to predict when an individual is slipping to a relapse.

The app is also useful in providing treatment options for users.

For instance, when a person recovering from substance abuse like alcohol visits a bar, the app will instantly share some strategies and phone numbers they can contact at that particular moment to shun away from a relapse.

It helps to eliminate negative Influences.

Removing the negative influence of one’s self has always been a challenge in the recovery process. Old habits die hard is something that torments a lot of people who try to get back on track. Old friends that still abuse various substances hugely influence persons who are recovering from addiction.

As a way of dealing with this tempting issue, Frons came up with an artificial intelligence algorithm meant to help the recovering persons in breaking off any past relationships that would cause a relapse.

It takes into account and assesses the kind of relationship people who have with the affected persons and it recommends whether to kill the relationship or not.

Helps in tracking treatment.

Traditionally, we used social gathering and meetings like Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous to provide the necessary moral support to the persons who were on the road to recovery from substance abuse. Addicaid is there to help out the introverts who don’t like such settings and groups.

It also facilitates connections to online chatting groups which also includes recovery coaches who take the bold walk together with the addicts. These recovery coaches play a vital role in leading the addicted persons to recovery by supporting them and providing guidance to these people.

The app focuses on individuals which makes them more comfortable sharing their experiences with other addicts using their phones.

Finding moral support.

“You never know how it feels until you experience it” This is a common phrase that trends among individuals who go through the same problem and successfully come out of it. This app helps in connecting recovering addicts and allows them to share their experiences and provide moral support.

It brings people from a similar location together to share out their addiction issues and together they eventually manage to control the abuse of substance use.

The app also helps connect the recovering addicts with their families and also provide suggestions of health professionals and helpful resources which help them carry on during the recovery process.

Starting Treatment.

Using this app with the help of artificial intelligence, persons who shy off from admitting that they are addicts get to take the initial steps to recovery. It aims at helping individuals who are in fact addicts and fear seeking professional help.

It also provides lifestyle, diet, and exercise programs and suggestion the addicted persons can try. Lastly, the app monitors their progress and gives recommendations to help them kick their old and unhealthy habits.

Learn from the best and follow act before it is too late. Sam Frons is an inspiration to a lot of people who are struggling with substance abuse out there. The advice she gives is people should work to improve themselves an grow their knowledge in their specialty which will upon up the professional and personal circles.

When you are on the road to recovery get rid of any toxic relationships that are derailing your progress. Finally, openness beats secretiveness!

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